BS Economics

Offered at the Department of Economics Main Campus

The BS Economics is a four-year Undergraduate program consisting of 8 semesters offered at the Department of Economics Main Campus.


  • At least 45% marks in intermediate or equivalent degree.
  • Clearance of the entry test is mandatory.

Fee Structure for 1st Semester of BS Economics Four Years Programs

Description Amount (Rs)
Admission fee (One time) 2,000
Registration Fee (One time) 1,000
Tuition fee (Per Semester) 11,000
Library fee (Per Semester) 500
Security fee (One time) Refundable 1,000
Computer Lab fee (Per Semester) 500
Sports fee (Per Semester) 500
Examination fee (Per Semester) 1,000
Identity card (One time) 300
Total fee for 1st Semester 17,800

Fee Structure for 2nd to 8th Semester of BS Economics Four Years Program

Description Amount (Rs)
Tuition fee (Per Semester) 11,000
Library fee (Per Semester) 500
Computer Lab fee (Per Semester) 500
Sports fee (Per Semester) 500
Examination fee (Per Semester) 1,000
Per Semester fee (2nd to 8th Semester) 13,500
Transportation Fee for Undergraduate Programs
# Route Charges
Per Semester
1 Transport fee for long route Rs. 4,000
2 Transport fee for short route Rs. 3,500

Hostel Fee
Description Amount (Rs)
Admission fee (one time) Rs 1,000
Hostel rent (per semester) Rs 2,500

Examination fee for Undergraduate Programs
Description Amount (Rs)
Detail Mark Certificate 200
Final Transcript 500 (Ordinary)
1,000 (Urgent)
Degree 2,000 (Ordinary)
4,000 (Urgent)
6,000 (Duplicate)
Verification of certificate/degree 500 per document (Ordinary)
800 per document (Urgent)
Rechecking per paper 1,000
Registration Fee 1,500
Examination Fee (AD/BA) 5,000
Examination Fee (AD/B.Sc.) 6,000
Repeat/Improvement 2,000
Re-admission 1,000
Freezing/unfreezing 1,000


Semester 1
Title Code Theory Lab
Principle of Microeconomics ECO- 201 3 0
Quantitative reasoning (1) QR- 101 3 0
General Science GES- 201 3 0
Functional English ENG- 101 3 0
Islamic Studies IST – 101 2 0
Introduction to Business BUS- 101 3 0
Semester 2
Title Code Theory Lab
Expository Writing ENG- 201 3 0
Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan PAK- 101 2 0
Introduction to Logic LOG- 201 2 0
Principle of Macroeconomics ECO- 202 3 0
Quantitative reasoning - II QR- 201 3 0
Application of information and communication of technology ICT- 101 3 0
Semester 3
Title Code Theory Lab
Introduction to Psychology PSY- 101 2 0
Civics and Community Engagement CCE- 201 2 0
Intermediate Microeconomic ECO- 301 3 0
Mathematical Economics-1 ECO- 303 3 0
Descriptive Statistics ECO- 305 3 0
Principle of Management MGT- 101 3 0
Semester 4
Title Code Theory Lab
Entrepreneurship ENT- 201 2 0
Introduction to Political Science POL- 101 3 0
Intermediate Macroeconomics ECO- 302 3 0
Mathematical Eco-II ECO- 304 3 0
Inferential Statistics ECO- 403 3 0
International trade theory ECO- 307 3 0
Semester 5
Title Code Theory Lab
Microeconomics Analysis ECO- 401 3 0
International Finance ECO- 405 3 0
Basic Econometrics ECO- 306 3 0
Monetary Economics ECO- 402 3 0
Principles of Accounting ACT- 101 3 0
Semester 6
Title Code Theory Lab
Internship INT-301 3 0
Macroeconomics Analysis ECO – 403 3 0
Advanced Econometrics ECO – 404 3 0
Research Methodology ECO – 401 3 0
Islamic Banking and Finance FIN -406 3 0
Development Economics ECO -406 3 0
Semester 7
Title Code Theory Lab
Time series and panel Data Econometrics ECO - 501 3 0
Political Economy ECO -504 3 0
Managerial Economics ECO -502 3 0
Issues in Pakistan Economy ECO -408 3 0
Public Finances ECO -503 3 0
Semester 8
Title Code Theory Lab
Capstone Project ECO -508 3 0
Development Policy ECO -505 3 0
Human Resource Development ECO -501 3 0
Environmental Economics ECO -502 3 0

General Education Courses

S.No Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
1 QR-101 Quantitative reasoning (1) (3-0)
2 GES-201 General Science (2+1)
3 ENG-101 Functional English (3-0)
4 IST-101 Islamic Studies (2-0)
5 PAK- 101 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan (2-0)
6 ICT-101 Application of information and communication of technology (2+1)
7 QR-201 Quantitative reasoning - II (3-0)
8 LOG-201 Introduction to Logic (2-0)
9 ENG-201 Expository Writing (3-0)
10 PHY-101 Introduction to Psychology (2-0)
11 ENT-201 Entrepreneurship (2-0)
12 CCE-201 Civics and Community Engagement (2-0)
Total Credit Hours

Interdisciplinary Courses

S.No Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
1 POL-101 Introduction to Political Science (3-0)
2 MGT-101 Principle of Management (3-0)
3 ACT-101 Principles of Accounting (3-0)
4 BUS-101 Introduction to Business (3-0)
5 FIN-406 Islamic Banking and Finance (3-0)
Total Credit Hours

Major Courses

S.No Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
1 ECO-201 Principle of Microeconomics (3-0)
2 ECO-202 Principle of Macroeconomics (3-0)
3 ECO-301 Intermediate Microeconomic (3-0)
4 ECO-303 Mathematical Economics-1 (3-0)
5 ECO-305 Descriptive Statistics (3-0)
6 ECO-302 Intermediate Macroeconomics (3-0)
7 ECO-304 Mathematical Eco-I1 (3-0)
8 ECO-403 Inferential Statistics (3-0)
9 ECO-307 International trade theory (3-0)
10 ECO-401 Microeconomics Analysis (3-0)
11 ECO-405 International Finance (3-0)
12 ECO-306 Basic Econometrics (3-0)
13 ECO-402 Monetary Economics (3-0)
14 ECO-403 Macroeconomics Analysis (3-0)
15 ECO-404 Advanced Econometrics (3-0)
16 ECO-401 Research Methodology (3-0)
17 ECO-406 Development Economics (3-0)
18 ECO-501 Time series and panel Data Econometrics (3-0)
19 ECO-504 Political Economy (3-0)
20 ECO-502 Managerial Economics (3-0)
21 ECO-408 Issues in Pakistan Economy (3-0)
22 ECO-503 Public Finances (3-0)
23 ECO-505 Development Policy (3-0)
24 ECO-501 Human Resource Development (3-0)
25 ECO-502 Environmental Economics (3-0)
Total Credit Hours

Capstone Project/Internship

S.No Course Code Title of the Course Credit Hours
1 Internship (3-0)
2 Research Project (3-0)
Total Credit Hours