
  • PhD in International Finance from Universiti Sains, Malaysia
  • MS in Finance from AIT, Thailand
  • MBA in Finance from University of Balochistan Quetta, Pakistan

Area of specialization

  • Finance

Publications in HEC-Recognized Journals

S. NoTitle of PaperName of JournalNational/ InternationalPublication date
1Ahmed, J., & Tahir, M. (2024). Corporate cash holdings and financial performance: moderating effect of corporate governance and family ownership.South Asian Journal of Business Studies.InternationalJanuary 2024
2Eriqat, I. O., Tahir, M., & Zulkafli, A. H. (2023). Do Corporate Governance Mechanisms Matter to the Reputation of Financial Firms? Evidence of Emerging Markets. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1), 2181187.Cogent Business & ManagementInternational2023
3Mushtaq, M., Yet, C. E., Tahir, M., & Khan, B. (2023). Speed of adjustment and optimal leverage: evidence from South Asian family firms. Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies, 1-20.Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market EconomiesInternational2023
4Tahir, M., Ibrahim, H., Zulkafli, A. H., Mushtaq, M., & Ullah, S. (2022). Linking investment opportunities, credit market development and dividend repatriation policy. Transnational Corporations Review, 14(1), 112-125.Transnational Corporations ReviewInternational2022
5Tahir, M., Ibrahim, H., Khan, B., & Ahmed, R. (2022). Foreign earnings repatriation: the effect of exchange rate volatility and the risk of expropriation. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences.Journal of Economic and Administrative SciencesInternational2022
6Ahmed, R., Barkat, W., Ahmed, A., Tahir, M., & Nasir, A. M. (2022). The Impact of Flooding on Education of Children and Adolescents: Evidence from Pakistan. Water Economics and Policy, 8(03), 2240009.Water Economics and PolicyInternational2022
7Muhammad, M., Ei Yet, C., Tahir, M., & Nasir, A. M. (2021). Capital structure of family firms: the effect of debt and equity market timing. Journal of Family Business Management, 11(1), 1-18.Journal of Family Business ManagementInternational2021
8Tahir, M., Ibrahim, H., Zulkafli, A. H., & Mushtaq, M. (2020). Corruption, national culture, law and dividend repatriation policy. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 57, 100658.Journal of Multinational Financial ManagementInternational2020
9Tahir, M., Ibrahim, H., Zulkafli, A.H. & Mushtaq, M. (2020). Influence of Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Credit Supply on Dividend Repatriation Policy of U.S. Multinational Corporations.  Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice, 9 (S1), pp. 261-284.Journal of Central Banking Theory and PracticeInternational2020
10Tahir, M., Ibrahim, H., Zulkafli, A.H. & Mushtaq, M. (2020) ‘Impact of repatriation taxes and earned/contributed capital mix on dividend repatriation policy: the moderating role of firm financial maturity’, Int. J. Monetary Economics and Finance, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp.146–162.International Journal of Monetary Economics and FinanceInternational2020
11Ullah, S., & Tahir, M. (2020). Determinants of foreign investment in Pakistan. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 11(1), 67-81.South Asian Journal of Business StudiesInternational2020
12Khan, B., Tahir, M., Nasir, A. M., & Mushtaq, M. (2019). The impact of companies' internal factors on stock liquidity in Pakistan. Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, 9(4), 459-473.Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and AccountingInternational2019
13Tahir, M., Ibrahim, H., & Zulkafli, A. H. (2018). Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Dividend Repatriation Decision of Multinational Corporations. Global Business & Management Research, 10(3).Global Business & Management ResearchInternational2018
14Khudadad, S., Tahir, M., & Jan, G. (2018). The Comparative Financial Performance of Outsourcing and Vertically Integrated Corporations. The Journal of Business Economics and Environmental Studies, 8(3), 23-31.Journal of Business Economics and Environmental StudiesInternational2018
15Tahir, M., Mushtaq, M., Nasir, A. M., & Khan, B. (2017). Factors influencing capital structure: evidence from the oil and gas industry of Pakistan. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 17(7), 49-61.Journal of Accounting and FinanceInternational2017
16Tahir, M., & Mushtaq, M. (2016). Determinants of dividend payout: Evidence from listed oil and gas companies of Pakistan. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 3(4), 25-37.Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and BusinessInternational2016

Conference Papers Presented

S. NoTitle of PaperTitle of Conference & venueNational/ InternationalOrganized/Hosted ByDate
 1Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Dividend Repatriation Decision of Multinational Corporations.International Symposium & Exhibition on Business and Accounting 2018 (ISEBA 2018)InternationalUniversiti Tenaga Nasional Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Campus, Pahang, Malaysia28 and 29 August 2018
2Influence of exchange rate fluctuations and credit supply on dividend repatriation policy of US multinational corporationsThe 13th Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking International Conference and Call for PapersInternationalBank Indonesia Institute29& 30 August 2019

Capacity Building Training Workshops

 S.NoTitle of WorkshopOrganized Hosted By/ VenueAs a Participant or Resource PersonDate 
1Professional Competency Enhancement Programme for TeachersHigher Education Commission of PakistanparticipantJune 2013 
2Developing a Vibrant Research CultureNational Business Education Accreditation Council Training and Development WingParticipant25 & 26 May 2022 
3Challenging Role of the business school faculty in the "New NormalNational Business Education Accreditation Council Training and Development WingParticipant29&30 June 2021 
4Long panel data analysis workshopUniversiti Sains MalaysiaParticipant16&17 November 2019 
5Shortpanel data analysis workshopUniversiti Sains MalaysiaParticipant19&20 October 2019