VC visited Green Belt Extension & Green Revenue Project at University
Posted on 21 Oct, 2022 - Published by
Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad, Vice Chancellor, University of Turbat (UoT) along with Dr. Mansoor Ahmed, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Kamal Ahmed, Project Director and other officials of UoT visited the Plantation Site of UoT’s Botanical Garden on 20th October 2022. Mr. Nasrat Baloch, Forest Officer, briefed VC and UoT officials about the progress and extension of the Green belt at University of Turbat. The VC extended his gratitude to the forest department of Balochistan Govt. for launching the Green Belt project at UoT. The Vice-Chancellor also praised the efforts of Mr. Shah Hussain, in-charge University Plantation, for launching a Green Revenue Project, which will help in revenue generation besides greening the University premises.