Secretary Women Development and VC UoT agreed for empowering women
Posted on 10 Feb, 2022 - Published by
The Government of Baluchistan’s Secretary Women Development Department, Mr. Zafar Buledi called on Vice-Chancellor, University of Turbat, Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad at its chamber in UoT here on 8th January 2022. They agreed that women's empowerment is instrumental for a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous Balochistan.

VC UoT briefed him about the facilities and opportunities provided to the female students for acquiring higher education at UoT in a peaceful and conducive environment. Secretary Women Development lauded the women enrollment ratio at UoT. Later on, Secretary Women Development along with UoT’s Registrar, Ganguzar Baloch visited different sections of the university and was inspired to see a healthy learning environment and outstanding infrastructure of the university.