Vice Chancellor chairs 18th meeting of ASRB
Posted on 15 Dec, 2023 - Published by
The 18th meeting of the Advanced Studies & Research Board (ASRB) was held in the video conference room of the University of Turbat (UoT) on 14th December 2023. The Worthy Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad chaired the meeting. Dean Academics and Secretary ASRB Dr. Adeel Ahmed presented the agenda of the meeting for deliberation and decision that included confirmation of the minutes of the 17th meeting of ASRB, theses evaluation reports, and Viva Voce reports of M.Phil scholars of Institute of Balochi, Language, and Culture (IBLC) and Department of Chemistry, extension cases of the M.Phil scholars of IBLC and thesis submission of M.Phil scholars of Chemistry Department. The forum approved scholars' cases for M.Phil in Chemistry and IBLC. The meeting was attended by the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Deans, Director QEC, Controller of Examinations, and other members of the ASRB.

Report from Directorate of Academics, UoT