Turbat University Celebrates Earth Day 2019
Posted on 29 Apr, 2019 - Published by
The students and faculty members at the department of Natural and Basic Sciences of Turbat University along with other students of the institution celebrated Earth Day in University Campus on 29th April, 2019. Besides presenting different ideas regarding species protection and reforestation of regions, the students performed various activities during event to create awareness among the masses against the negative impacts of environmental changes.
Speaking on the occasion faculty of science and engineering Dean Dr. Haneef Ur Rehman lauded the efforts of students and faculty members for celebrating earth day in Turbat University and enlisting their institution in the global scenario to protect the earth from climate change and working for species protection.
While appreciating the efforts university’s employees in the leadership of the Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir for launching the Green and Clean UoT campaign, Dr. Haneef Ur Rahman presented the idea to incorporate one credit course of plantation in curriculum of Natural and Basic sciences in each semester, in which every student shall be bound to plant a tree in the premises of UoT during the start of the each semester. Watering and nourishment of the plant would be the responsibility of the student till the completion of academic degree program.
He further added that on April 22, 1970, millions of people across the World proceeded to the streets to protest against negative impacts of 150 years of industrial development. Earth Day is now a global event each year, in which more than 1 billion people in 192 countries raise their voices against hazardous of environmental changes. He said Earth Day Network, the organization that leads Earth Day worldwide, has chosen the theme for 2019 “Protect our Species”.
The guest speaker of the event Ms. Granaz Baloch shared her views on environmental activism and motivated the participants to organize various activities for shielding the earth from climate change.