Observance of Friday the August 30, 2019 as Day of Solidarity with people of Occupied Kashmir
Posted on 31 Aug, 2019 - Published by
Following the directives of the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, Kashmir Solidarity Day was observed in University of Turbat on Friday, August 30, 2019, to express support to people of occupied Kashmir spinning under India oppression for the last 72 years and to draw world attention to emerging humanitarian devastation there in occupied Kashmir. The Kashmir Solidarity Hour was commenced from 12:00 to 12:30 hours, in which the Vice-Chancellor University of Turbat Prof Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir along with faculty members, administrative staff and students coming out and gathered at 12:00 noon in front of the building of Management Sciences and Commerce Department whereas hundreds of students and employees of the university remained out of their office and classrooms. They staged a rally which went through in front of different departments and avenue of the university campus and gathered in front of the central library where the UoT Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Abdul Razzaq Sabir addressed to the participants of the rally. The participants of the rally were holding the flags of Pakistan and Kashmir, and they were also holding different banners with the slogan “Kashmir bany ga Pakistan”. While addressing to the rally the VC UoT said “We are with innocent Kashmiri people in these hard times. The message that goes out of here today is that as long as Kashmiris don't get freedom, we will stand with them till our last breath”. He said that the world community should reject the RSS' BJP and Modi extremist and fascist ideology which fuels hatred against Muslims in India, and the whole world should have stood with Kashmiri people against the brutal military action by Indian forces in the occupied territory. The Vice-Chancellor urged upon the international community that the United Nations resolutions calling for a plebiscite in Kashmir should be respected and implemented at earliest to give justice to the people of Kashmir by giving them their right of self-determination. Meanwhile, Kashmir solidarity day was also observed in the Gwadar Campus of Turbat University where the faculty members, administrative staff and students staged a rally against the ruthless military action on innocent people in Indian held Kashmir.
A day earlier on 29th August 2019, the UoT’s Political Science Department organized a one-day seminar to express solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir. The Seminar was chaired by the UoT’s VC Prof Dr. Abdul Razzaq sabir. The VC UoT, Chairman Political Science Department Jamil Ahmed, faculty member Shah Hussain and students expressed solidarity with the people of occupied Kashmir in their speeches saying that the whole nation is united on the issue of Kashmir and the Kashmir have always been part of Pakistan and it will remain the part of Pakistan.